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Sunday, June 30, 2013


Post aren't showing up in blog lovin... Just testing!

Goodbye Google, Hello BlogLovin!

This will be short and sweet since I am on vaca! In case you have been hiding under a rock for the past couple of weeks, word on the street is Google Reader will be coming to and end starting TOMORROW! 

This means we need a new way to manage and track all of these wonderful blogs we all enjoy so much.

HELLOOOOO BlogLovin! It is super easy and simple. I love it. When you create an account it is really simple (like the click of one or two buttons) to transfer all of the blogs you follow over from Google. 

It is also super easy to use. It lists all the blogs you follow with the most recent post. But you can also see a list of all the blogs you follow, search for specific favorites, and even look for new blogs to stalk. 

Easy Peasy! So what are you waiting for? Head over to BlogLovin now, create an account, and follow me using the link below!

<ahref="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Have a great 4th!

Monday, May 6, 2013

CURRENTLY.... Slacking!

Is it really May 6? I mean I am not complaining.... But whew!! This year flew by! I cannot believe I have been teaching for two years already! Anyway....
I had this lovely blog created and I was so excited to begin this journey and then I just got kind of busy and just plain lazy I guess??!! I have decided to link up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her monthly currently posts... I am hoping by making myself post at least once a month it will get me into a better routine. So here's to hoping....
I am listening to NCIS reruns and I pretty much do this on the daily. I don't know what it is but I am completely OBSESSED with this show. I can just not get enough... even though I have seen just about every episode I just keep going back for more.... Outside my door my pup, Baylee (who will be celebrating his very FIRST birthday this Thursday) is crying because I have locked him out. He is just so bad! I swear we should have named him Marley... You know the yellow lab from the movie/book Marley... that is our dog to a T! Seriously, coffee tables are ruined, floors have been scratched and gnawed on, magazines/books/Phillies tickets eaten, he will not quit jumping on people and biting at their wrists as they walk away... UGH! You name it and he has done it! Anybody else have these issues with a lab? He is so stinkin' ornery but still soooo cute!
Over the weekend two of my good friends and I took a trip to Baltimore (we're about 2 hours south) and saw 50 Shades: The Musical! YES friends THAT 50 Shades! :) Let me just say... my stomach was literally cramping because I was laughing so hard so much. This show was more of a parody on the book but was totally worth it and HILARIOUS! If it is near you check it out. It makes a perfect Girls Night Out and is so worth it. TIP: Splurge and sit up front for some extra fun! :)
I did have a three day weekend this past weekend but I was so busy I did not get to actually relax at all. Between 2 Phillies games and the trip to Baltimore this girl is BEAT! I am hoping I can actually make it through this week!
Can I just say that I am absolutely fed up with Mother Nature this year?! Like seriously... as I tell my kids, "GET IT TOGETHER!" It's freezing then 75 the next day and then 50 again! UGH what is that? I just want my Flip Flop and Summer Dress weather to come and stay!
What am I needing? Hmmm... better question is what do I NOT need?! But really... I NEEEEED summer and a tan NOW! I used to go tanning 3-4 times a week and kind of wish I still did that. It was a nice 10-15 minutes each time where I could really relax a clear my thoughts. But I guess I am saving money and my skin by not getting fried on the daily.
I have a MAJOR spending problem. Seriously... I cannot control myself! And it doesn't even matter what it is... TPT, Etsy, Amazon, Very Jane, the mall, the bookstore, Home Goods.... school stuff, clothes/accessories, house stuff... I LOVE IT ALL and I seriously have not self control... so the hubby would say a higher CC limit is not a good idea. Maybe that is why I do not have our "main" CC in my wallet!
SUMMER!!!! PLEASE HURRY UP! We are counting down and we have 23 days of school left (including Teacher days which is only one more than the kids)..... but it still seems so far away and we still have sooo much to squeeze in! This summer the hubby and I will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary (even though we have been together for 8+ years). We were hoping to take a trip to Florida/Disney World since he has NEVER BEEN! Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe it when he first told me he had never been to the most magical place in the world! Anyway, we are hoping to go but just got some not so good news about his vehicle so who knows now?! UGH real life STINKS! I hate having actual responsibilities!
As you know, I have also been a MAJOR slacker on blogging TPT and adding resources to TPT so I really hope to get myself a bit more organized this summer and spend some more time blogging and creating.
So for now I will leave you with some questions and see if I can get a little bit of help/advice:
1. We are getting a new reading curriculum next year... which means we will most likely be handed TEs the day before school starts and expected to teacher. Good news is it includes a writing portion and we can do away with Handwriting without Tears because I HATE it! It makes no sense to me! Anyway, I think the name of the curriculum is Wonders.... it is super duper new I know. But if anyone has any info, resources, and thoughts please let me know.
2. For classroom resources each year we get a whopping.... Wait for it.... $150! For EVERYTHING from paper clips to paint to construction paper to any other resources. All we are provided with is literally curriculum and computer paper. Is that the norm? Do you get more or less? Well, this year our school was awarded a chunk of $$ for performing well on state testing and each teacher is getting and extra $100. The catch is we have already put in our orders for our yearly supplies for the $150 so what to do with the extra $$?? I want to use it for something more that just construction paper, etc. Any thoughts on something in this price range that would be good to have?
Until next time.... Keep dreaming of Summer! :)
P.S. Don't forget about the TPT sale this week. My cart is already overflowing with amazzzing resources. Remember to use the code TAD13 at checkout!

Monday, January 28, 2013


I see there are a couple errors when you open the Groundhog file. It is because I have some different fonts on my computer and I guess they are not carrying over through the PDF. I will fix but cannot until I get home tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience but I will fix it!!!

Thanks for your support!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Groundhog's Day Pack

My BRAND NEW... FIRST ENTIRE... pack! I think it turned out pretty good for a newbie, but it did take me ALL day! :)

Anyway... free until I get back from dinner! :)


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Two Centers. One Purchase.

I found these today at a local shop for HALF OFF! They are very similar to the every so popular Bananagrams.

These, however, have 4 alphabet sets each with a different font. I figured they could serve two purposes....

Early in the year the kiddos can sort them by letter ( having to recognize the same letters in different fonts) and later in the year (or now) build and record sight words!

Happy Saturday Night!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just a quick freebie...

Here is a quick freebie to practice rhyming. I hope you can use this for something in your classroom! :) Click on the image below to download from my NEW TPT store. I am just getting started with all of this... so this is the only item in my store right now. Don't judge! I'm playing and learning! :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to the Blogging World!

So I finally broke down and joined the blogging word (courtesy of Christi from Ms. Fultz's Corner) I absolutely love the design! She could not have been easier to work with and I could not be happier with the way it turned out. Now let's just see how well I actually keep up with this.... :)