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Monday, January 28, 2013


I see there are a couple errors when you open the Groundhog file. It is because I have some different fonts on my computer and I guess they are not carrying over through the PDF. I will fix but cannot until I get home tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience but I will fix it!!!

Thanks for your support!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Groundhog's Day Pack

My BRAND NEW... FIRST ENTIRE... pack! I think it turned out pretty good for a newbie, but it did take me ALL day! :)

Anyway... free until I get back from dinner! :)


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Two Centers. One Purchase.

I found these today at a local shop for HALF OFF! They are very similar to the every so popular Bananagrams.

These, however, have 4 alphabet sets each with a different font. I figured they could serve two purposes....

Early in the year the kiddos can sort them by letter ( having to recognize the same letters in different fonts) and later in the year (or now) build and record sight words!

Happy Saturday Night!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just a quick freebie...

Here is a quick freebie to practice rhyming. I hope you can use this for something in your classroom! :) Click on the image below to download from my NEW TPT store. I am just getting started with all of this... so this is the only item in my store right now. Don't judge! I'm playing and learning! :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to the Blogging World!

So I finally broke down and joined the blogging word (courtesy of Christi from Ms. Fultz's Corner) I absolutely love the design! She could not have been easier to work with and I could not be happier with the way it turned out. Now let's just see how well I actually keep up with this.... :)